We are on Snoqualamie Land

It is important we acknowledge that we are not the first to tend this land. We offer honor, gratitude, and deep respect to the First Nations Peoples, the Snoqualamie, who have lived with and are stewards to the very land that we are now farming. We acknowledge we are on unceded territory and commit to working toward right reparations and healing for the land and the peoples who have been displaced. To learn more about the history of this land look out for our blog post coming soon.

About Us

Meet the hands (and paws) that steward the land.

The dream of tending PNW soil and providing sustainably grown food and flowers for our local community has been incubating for 8+ years. We are so excited to finally be living it out!

Pete and ToniYa (aka Tina) Huapaheros are first generation farmers feeling grateful to be tending land in the Snoqualamie Valley.

From the Earth,

for the body

About the Farm

Occupied Snoqualamie Land (Carnation, WA)

Here, we tend to the earth with a whole lot of intention and heart full of LOVE. We are committed to regenerating the land through our practices while producing nutrient rich, super tasty, and high quality produce as well as herbs and flowers.

We practice no-till, market style gardening techniques with a focus on building healthy soil.

Healthy Soil

Just like our guts, our soil is teeming with microbes. Minimal soil disturbance while planting and harvesting = happy and healthy microorganisms.

Free of Pesticides, Herbicides, & Fungicides

Always. Period. We are committed to using all natural ways to tend to our garden. Please feel free to reach out with any questions!


Always Non-GMO and heirloom when possible. We talk to our seeds, we love our seeds.


We adore sustainable flowers. Fresh cut from our farm to your vase. We believe slow-farmed flowers are the way of the future!


No-Till means no heavy machinery. We do everything by hand, from seed to sale

Beyond Biology

We believe that the energy we put into the food we grow is just as important as all these other ingredients. We consider our farm a sacred space and operate each day with gratitude and intention.